UltimateBet Poker Room

UltimateBet.com - Ultimatebet online poker has been dealing cards on the Internet since 2000, created from the ground up to give you the best online poker experience found on the Internet today. Now you can benefit from the software built by true poker professionals; many of the world's top poker professionals and most respected authorities have been instrumental in all aspects of UltimateBet's design.
- State-of-the-Art software featuring ultra fast, smooth gameplay and unique features like four color decks and mini-view for simultaneous play at up to three different tables.
- Jackpot, freeroll and tournament prizes of more than $2,000,000 every year
- Ultimate Players Club - Ultimatebet was the first Poker site in the world to offer a true player rewards club that allows players to earn exciting rewards just for playing
- Single- or multi-table tournaments available 24-hours a day
- Access to the world's top Poker professionals for advice, free seminars and even the chance to play a friendly game
- The only site to offer no-limit, pot-limit, and limit stakes for Hold'em, 7-Card Stud, Omaha, Crazy Pineapple, 7-Card Stud 8 or Better, Omaha 8 or Better, Crazy Pineapple 8 or Better, 2-7 Triple Draw and A-5 Triple Draw
- Charter Member of the World Poker Tour
- Proud Title Sponsor of the 2004 UltimateBet.com Guineas Festival

UltimateBet is geared towards all limit players. Low stakes games as low as $ .01/.02 and high stakes games like $80/160, which are some of the biggest games on the net. In addition UltimateBet offer unusual formats for their structured games. Players can play $1/$3 or $2/$5 games, which can lead to interesting strategy variation. UltimateBet's rake structure is good value. Recently the $1/$2 games maximum rake was changed from f $1.5 to $1. This puts UB's rake structure in line with most other online poker rooms. The rake structure at this site now offers good value. The tables here are pleasing to play, although the lobby can be a little "cluttered" at times when you just want to grab a seat and play. Average pots are very good in general, the stats and notes here are also of a good standard and will surface for most players. Experienced poker players should have no problem fitting in here but there are still options for the novice as well making the playability at UltimateBet very good.
Visit: UltimateBet